What is a press release?

2023-08-30T13:43:58+01:0030 August 2023|

A press release is a formal communication between an organisation and the media, providing information on a story/development that may be of interest to them in a concise way. [...]

What is media relations?

2023-08-30T13:43:26+01:0030 August 2023|

Media relations means working with media organisations to develop editorial content that communicates something about your organisation while adding value for the media outlet’s audience. Newspapers, magazines, radio stations, [...]

Do I need PR?

2023-08-30T13:42:51+01:0030 August 2023|

Not necessarily but if you want to make more people aware of your organisation, build understanding, change perceptions, educate decision makers or influence behaviour, PR almost certainly has a [...]

Isn’t PR just advertising?

2023-08-30T13:41:36+01:0030 August 2023|

No. Advertising is predominantly aimed at directly increasing sales and is usually a single message pushed to the consumer. Public Relations is about managing an organisation’s positioning in its [...]

What does PR stand for?

2023-08-30T13:41:04+01:0030 August 2023|

A lot of people think that PR stands for Press Release but it’s a lot more than that! PR is the acronym for Public Relations. Public Relations is a series [...]

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