Lead generation is essential for business growth. A well thought-through marketing strategy is essential but, by identifying and overcoming common ‘buying blocks’, you can elevate your lead generation efforts and open up more possibilities for your business. 

Here are five common mistakes to avoid:

  1. Targeting the wrong audience or not setting one up:

Having a detailed profile of your ideal customer is key to attracting quality leads. Do you understand what your ideal customer looks like? What their problems are, how you solve them and what their buying triggers are? Failing to tailor your marketing to their needs and demographics is a common oversight that can hinder lead generation.

  1. Offering little to no value:

We’re inundated with information all day, every day so, to make a lasting impression, you need to offer real value to your audience. 

Adding value by sharing insightful ebooks or hosting webinars that address challenges faced by your target audience, allows you to demonstrate your understanding of their challenges and build trust. This makes  prospects more likely to look out for and engage with your content.

  1. Neglecting Calls to Action (CTAs):

How many times do you see something interesting but don’t know what to do next or forget who it was by and where you found it? Missing the next stage of the journey – a clear call to action – is a quick and easy way to lose prospects who’ve actively engaged with your content. 

Make it easy for them to see what they need to do next or how to find you again when they’re ready to act.  CTAs can include bookmarking, downloading, booking a ticket or simply visiting your website and are an essential part of helping your audience take the next step.

  1. Failing to follow up:

Potential customers have signed up to your event or downloaded your white paper. What now?

Make sure you develop a nurturing strategy for website visitors, form submissions, and email sign-ups to keep them engaged and move them along the sales funnel.

  1. Not measuring and optimising:

How many times have you run a marketing campaign but not taken the time to measure its effectiveness before moving onto the next item on your ‘to do’ list?

Tracking and measuring campaigns is essential if you’re to optimise success rates. This means building the right tracking data into the campaign from the start. Web analytics tools can help you track traffic sources, conversion rates and engagement levels. Analyse your social media performance and lead capture forms’ effectiveness. There’s always room for improvement and data can be used to inform your next campaign!  

Bonus tip: Inconsistency is the enemy! Building brand awareness and generating leads takes time and consistent effort. Dedicate regular time each week to reviewing and developing your campaigns.

Get in touch to find out how we can help you develop your content to support your business growth!